Home Theater not only applies to dedicated rooms with drop down screens and leather recliners, but it also applies to the family room with a big screen and couch, or outdoor entertainment with multi zone audio. All you need for a personal movie theater experience in your home is a video display that fits your room and a surround sound system. Here at The AV Team we use our expertise to find the right solution for your home theater and make every budget feel like a million bucks. Visual not only includes what you're seeing but also how the video display looks in your home. In working together with you and discussing your needs, entertainment lifestyle and budget, we will determine the most exceptional audio and visual solutions for you. Recent advances of in-wall and in-ceiling speaker technology have made it possible to move away from free-standing speakers in the room. Speaker selection can now be made for aesthetics, as well as acoustic considerations. Our goal is to provide your family and friends a complete and safe environment to enjoy and relax in.